The lowly rubber tire skid steer loader

Problem: The lowly rubber tire skid steer loader – many see these as a tough sale. Product and market knowledge is essential to a successful sale. This style of skid steer loader has generally fallen out of favor to the more recently introduced “track’ style of machines – which are great on a conventional construction […]
This warehouse building had to go

Problem: The elderly owner’s husband had passed several years ago and she just shut down the business and closed the doors. Several deals with traditional realtors always fell apart at the last minute. The Industrial park had fallen on hard times being located in an area in transition. Solution: Our attempt to auction the property […]
16 cars in 60 days

Problem: We worked with an Estate in the Shenandoah Valley representing a recently deceased owner who had a wonderful collection of 1930’s thru 1940’s classic cars. The cars were scattered over several estate properties he owned and carriage houses storing the collection. There were several problems. Most of the cars had not been started in […]
Heavy Equipment

A Metro area landlord called us about a variety of heavy equipment, trucks etc which had been abandoned on his property. He was initially going to pay an outfit to haul all the items away based on weight. We performed a lien search to determine nothing was encumbered. Afterwards we inspected the units and verified […]
Rental Center Story-Moon Bounce

We liquidated a Metro area rental center which also featured about 2 dozen amusement rental pieces – Kids Castles/ring Toss Games and Moon Bounce inflatable style amusements etc. When the units are not in service they fit in a huge tote sack and are carried with a special hand truck. The unit resembles a tent […]